Friday, July 4, 2014

Human Resources Effectiveness of Hershey Company .. by Jolito Padilla

Hershey Company

1.       Introduction:

The largest producer of chocolate in North America, Hershey Company reported first quarter 2014 sales up at 6.5 percent to $3.5 billion and profit of $83.6 million on March, 2014, the strong quarter in a row for company.  Advertising expenses for the quarter increased by 46 percent as a company continued to promote iconic brands such as Hershey’s Kiss and Reese’s products (www.

Some of the Hershey’s premium products of have faltered lately as customer switched   lower price products. So, the company plans to discontinue their Cacao Reserve brand as their Starbucks chocolate partnership. But Hershey has its online gift business, which featured seasonal products and gifts that could personalized by the consumers.

2.       Identification and Analysis  of the major forces shaping Hershey’s  HR agenda

Hershey needs a clear aims and objectives that will determine the nature of inputs, the series of activities to achieve outputs and the realization of organizational goals. Feedback about the performance of the system and the effects of its operation on the environment are measured in terms of achieving the aims and objectives.

Basic principles of organization and management apply in any series of activities in any of organization , Padilla, J (2010). For example:

·         Attention must be given to the design of the suitable measure

·         The common elements of management-clarification of objectives, planning, organizing, directing, and control-apply to a greater or lesser extent in all cases.

·         Essential financial, legal, human resources and administrative functions must be carried in the organization.

These common features make possible the application of general principles of management and organizational behavior of those people that comprises the organization. While general principles and prescription s apply in Hershey, differences in the input-conversion-output process and in the series of activities involved in this process. The nature of inputs, the throughputs and the form of the output will emphasize characteristic features of a particular organization. These features highlight alternative forms of structure, management, methods of operation and behavior of people employed by or working in different types of organization (Padilla, J, 2010).

Whatever the type of clarification of Hershey has, the transformation or conversion activities may themselves be viewed as separate organizational sub-systems with their own input-conversion-output process interrelated to, and interacting with, the sub-systems.

The interrelationship and interdependence of the different parts of the system raise the question of the identification of this sub-system. What are the boundaries that distinguish one sub-system from other sub-systems and from the system as a whole?

In Hershey, these sub-system are identified and the task management to coordinate the sub-system and to ensure that the activities of the organization as a whole. In practice the boundaries are drawn at the discretion of the sub-system are identified, therefore, in a number of ways, although there is a degree of similarity among the alternative models.

However, these sub-systems are identified; it is a task of Hershey management to coordinate the sub-systems and to ensure that the activities of the organization as a whole are directed towards the accomplishment of its goals and objectives. Hershey therefore has five main interrelated sub-systems as a basis for the analysis of work organization.

1.       Task- the goals and objectives of Hershey: the nature of inputs and outputs, and the work activities to be carried out in the transformation or conversion process;

2.       Technology- the manner in which the tasks of the organization are carried out and the nature of work performance : the materials, systems and procedures, and equipment used in the transformation or conversion process;

3.       Structure- patterns of organization, lines of authority, formal relationships and channels of communication among members; the division of work and coordination of tasks by which series of activities is carried out;

4.       People- the nature of the members undertaking the series of activities: for example their attitudes, skills and attributes; needs and expectations; interpersonal relations and patterns of behavior; group functioning and behavior, informal organization and styles of leadership;

5.       Management – coordination of task, technology, structure and people, and policies and procedures for the execution of work: corporate strategy, direction of the activities of the organization as a whole and its interactions with the external environment.

The study of Hershey as open systems serves to indicate both the common features and the main distinguishing features between different types of organizations. It provides a useful framework for the comparative study of organization. The system view of organizations enables Hershey manager to view their own organization in perspective and to compare it in meaningful terms with other types of competitive organizations. Managers cannot afford to take narrow, blinkered view; they need to adopt a broader view and recognize interrelationships between various activities and the effects that their actions and decisions have on other activities. The Hershey’s framework of five main interrelated sub-systems is task, technology, structure. People, and management-provides a useful basis for the analysis of organizational performance, and effectiveness. Attention should be focused on the total work organization and the interrelationships between the ranges of variables which affect organizational performance (Padilla, J, 2010).

The analysis of organizational effectiveness requires an understanding of relationships within the organization’s structure, the interrelated sub-systems and the nature of its external environment. Irrespective of the identification of sub-systems, the nature and scale of the series of activities involved in converting inputs to outputs will differ from one organization to another in terms of interrelationship between technology, structure, methods of operation and the nature of environmental influences. Contingency models of organization highlight Hershey’s interrelationship and provide a further possible means of differentiation between alternative forms of organization and management (Mann, S, 2003).

3.       Ethics and Responsibility

Hershey commitment to social responsibility extends beyond their school to both their products and supplier relationships. The company is actively involved in the International Initiative Foundation, designed to eliminate child labor or forced labor such as World Cocoa Foundation, which supports environmental projects that include nonchemical pest management practices and which encourage sustainable farming practices to support ecosystems in the region.  Hershey also closely monitors its supply relationships and purchases palm oil from suppliers with membership in the Roundtable on Sustainable Oil (www.

Hershey role as an environmental steward is also evident that its plants use recycled water that is later purified for various landscaping projects. Changes in product packaging have resulted in lighter materials and less waste during the manufacturing process and Hershey extensively recycles materials from their different factories in the world. Hershey monitors greenhouse gas emission from operations and has installed energy efficient lighting in all of their plants.

With revenue in excess of $8 billion, Hershey continues to produce chocolates and confectionary products. Hershey has recently expanded its global presence via joint ventures in China and India.

4.       Review of Hershey’s Business and HR Strategies:

SWOT Analysis

In order to evaluate the nature of the business environment and its strategic capability; Hershey may undertake SWOT analysis which focuses on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing the organization. The SWOT analysis provides convenient headings under which to study Hershey in its environment setting and provide a basis for decision making and problem solving.

-          Hershey iconic brands such as Hershey, Bar, Kisses and Reese are easily recognized within the domestic market.
-          Hershey concentrates advertising revenues on these brands while also promotes the health benefits of flovanols in its dark chocolates products
-          Hershey products are sold to more than 2 million retail outlets, including wholesale distributors, chain grocery stores and convenience stores. Hershey direct research on consumer preferences supported via the Hershey Center of Health and Nutrition developed in 2008. Many of the ingredients which are used for Hershey products are grown in West Africa, South America, and the Far East.
-          Hershey has five operating segments by geographic regions: 1) United States 2) Canada 3) Mexico 4) Brazil 5) and other International locations (India, Korea, Philippines. Japan and China.
-          Hershey sales increased by 5.2% in 2013
-          Hershey employs about 13, 450 full time and 2, 000 part time employees and approximately 47% of the workforce is covered collective bargaining agreements.
-          Hershey announced a joint venture with Lotte Confectionary Company, a leading confectionary company in Korea, to produce products for China. The manufacturing facility, that is located in Jinshan, China is designed to produce Hershey and Lotte products that are tailored to the needs of Chinese and Asian market.
-          Some of the Hershey’s premium products has  faltered lately as customers switched to lower price products.
-          Due to lower commodity prices total charges to Hershey Supply Transformation Program have been forecasted downward from $665 million to $640 million
-          The company close their online gift business, which featured seasonal products and gifts that could personalized by the consumer
-          The establishment of Hershey Center of Health and Nutrition that involved in scientific research and also collaborates with external organization that develops products to support both weight management and heart health.
-          Due to increased consumer preferences for healthy and organic products, the company portfolio of healthy snacks has expanded to include Payday pro energy bars and sugar free such as Twizzlers (
-          Key Industry competitors like Nestle, Cadbury and Mars has an aggressive marketing and research and development structures
-          Nestle acquisition of medical nutritional business of Novartis, Gerber baby foods and Jenny Craig, a company with an established brand of nutritional weight management products.
-          The consumer increasingly awareness of nutritional value of various product ingredients with purchase decisions reflecting a preference for organic non-adulterated products.


5.       Measurement of HR effectiveness

The ultimate measures of HRM function of Hershey is the contribution it makes in meeting the objectives of the business and to improved organizational performance. But achievement in the area of HRM is difficult to measure and it is not easy to establish satisfactory methods of assessment. There is also a more general problem of assessing managerial work where the end-product results from the efforts of other people, Patton (2005). Cost is obviously a consideration but should not be viewed in isolation. Not every activity in Hershey can be identified clearly as making a contribution to profitability. Hershey believed that a balance should be maintained between the more easily identified financial costs of HRM function and the less readily apparent but very important long term benefits such as morale and job satisfaction of staff as well as their attitudes, behavior and performance. Over a period of time however, some quantified measure may serve to provide management with an indication of effectiveness. Hershey includes staffing costs, turnover, and stability indexes; internal promotions and staff development; errors in work; levels of absenteeism and sickness; timekeeping; accidents at work; the number of grievance hearing, dismissals, labor disputes, employment tribunal cases; complaints from suppliers or customers.

Hershey’s one way to review the performance and potential of staff is through a formal performance review system. An effective system offers a number of potential benefits to both individual and the organization but there are number of important questions to be addressed. Consideration must be given to the design and implementation of the system, methods of appraisal, and the problem areas. Hershey emphasized that it is particularly important that a formal system does not detract from manager’s responsibility for reviewing performance on a day to day basis and that it should be seen as part of Performance measures strategy.

According to Slater, 2009, “Recognition that employees from the lifeblood of a company has highlighted the strategic role that the human resources department should now play.” Hershey believed that HR professionals have the opportunity to add value to business. Greater attention is placed on issues such as how well a company executes its business plan, employee well being, corporate culture and organizational structure. Although, the customer is still king, Hershey realize that it is their employees who deliver the performance of value to customers.

Hershey’s sound HRM policies help foster good employment relations. It is necessary to take account of the institutions and parties involves, and their ideologies and motives. There are two major and contrasting perspectives of work organizations, and the explanation and outcomes of conflict-the unitary and the pluralistic perspectives. These contrasting views influence the nature of employee relationships and the management of human resources. Good management strategies are important for effective employment relations that are founded on a combination of legal and behavioral dimension.

6.       Conclusion and Recommendation:

Hershey success is based on the essential process of management is that proper attention be given to the efficient use of resources, in particular human resource? In recent years there has been increasing attention to a strategic approach to “human resource management” and also to the idea of human capital. However, it is important to remember that it is people who are the most important asset of any organization. Effective HRM requires strategic integration of people management policies and successful implementation if it is to impact on organizational performance.

Hershey success in the field of Human relationship stems from good HRM policies and practices which should be based on underlying philosophies of managerial behavior and employee relations. The range and scope of HRM activities are wide, and a shared responsibility among top management, line managers, and supervisors and the HR manager. As an element function, HRM is part of the generality of management and part of the responsibility of all managers and supervisor. HRM has top operate at a strategic level and in partnership with line managers.



Mann, S “Doing Things Differently”. Professional Manager, vol. 12, no.3, May 2003, pp32-5

Patton, F, 2008  “ “An Integrated Model of Management and Managerial Development, Journal of Management Development, vol. 7 no.3 , 2010, pp 29-39

Padilla, J, 2010  Strategic Management, 2nd edition. Pp 23-26

Slater, The Quality of Working Life, 2008,: Managers’ Health, Motivation and Productivity, pp354-355



1 comment:

  1. Great stuff....enjoyed reading it also helped in an assignment
