Monday, May 11, 2015

The Basics of Human Right:

1.       Introduction

There is a considerable disagreement about the precise meaning of rights. Thinkers and different groups have variations in the meaning of the words some thinkers says that the meaning of this principle is controversial as there are some normative differences that go beyond with the definition. A way to understand the definition of the word “right” is

A right to life, a right to choose; a right to vote, to work, to strike; a right to one phone call, to dissolve parliament, to operate a forklift, to asylum, to equal treatment before the law, to feel proud of what one has done; a right to exist, to sentence an offender to death, to launch a nuclear first strike, to carry a concealed weapon, to a distinct genetic identity; a right to believe one's own eyes, to pronounce the couple husband and wife, to be left alone, to go to hell in one's own way Wikepedia, 2011)[1]

There are likewise diverse possible ways to categorize rights, such as:

Who is alleged to have the right: Children's rights, animal rights, workers' rights, states' rights, the rights of peoples. What actions or states or objects the asserted right pertains to: Rights of free expression, to pass judgment; rights of privacy, to remain silent; property rights, bodily rights. Why the right holder (allegedly) has the right: Moral rights spring from moral reasons, legal rights derive from the laws of the society, customary rights are aspects of local customs. How the asserted right can be affected by the right holder's actions: The inalienable right to life, the forfeitable right to liberty, and the waivable right that a promise be kept(Wikepaedai, 2011)[1

A considerable debate about the term especially in the academe that allowed to define the terms such as in the field of philosophy, law, logic and religion.

According to annual reports compiled by the U.S. State Department, most Arab nations are ruled by the hierarchy that which has the basic freedom of expression, speech and press and due process specifically in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Hierarchy has given its people freedom, civil liberties, political rights and independence of media. Women in Bahrain are accorded the legal rights and are equal with men within the context of   traditional social norms.

 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF; is a United Nations Program that is being headquartered in the city of  New York provides  humanitarian development assistance in a long-term to children and mothers in the developing countries

UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors and UNICEF's total income for 2013 was $13,372,540,239.  Two thirds of its resources are being contributed by the governments and private sectors with 90 million are coming from the individual and by the National Committees. The revenue is distributed to UNICEF’s program services to develop community led services and promote the well being of the children.

There are 190 countries staffs all over the world to carry out the mission with many regional offices that provide assistance technically to country offices as needed. The overall management is in New York and supply division is located in Copenhagen which serves as the distribution point of the most important items such as vaccines, antiviral medicines for parents and children with HIV supplements. Also it provides shelter for children, reunification of the family educational supplies and many others.

Many charitable institutions in affiliation with UNICEF have its aims to alleviate poverty and social exclusion.

The stated aims are the following:

·         To raise awareness to what are the causes, extent, impact and nature of poverty the eradication and prevention.

·         A change of positive policy to bring into the alleviation of poverty among families and children.

·         Enable those eligible for income maintenance to have access to their full entitlement.

B. Theses Statement: What are Human Rights?

We define human rights as the protection against every people and their recognition to protect them in terms of person’s dignity. People come from in terms of religion, age, culture, income, the scope as seen as the protection of individual rights to live freely in a society without prejudice and inhuman and barbaric act.

Human rights are defined according to the value the societies they live into. These values are regardless of an individual religion, culture, age and philosophies in life. The heart of these values is within the concepts of human dignity and justice. If a person has its legal rights he, may be able to defend it in court and that is an individual privileged.

 Another value depends upon the rights to live morally which are just and fair without any biases and prejudices. An individual has both the civil and political rights in conjunction with the freedom of speech and freedom form torture. These are also sets down by an international law and agreements which are also often written down on the domestic level of the country.

11. Human Rights in Arab Countries

Children's rights are the right of the children with particular attention with to the special protection rights and care to the minors. The right to associate with both of the parents as well as their identity and the right to provide them with basic necessity such as food, shelter, education, and the criminal laws for the children development according to their age with the children to be protected equally as stated in the civil rights and free from the being discriminated according to their gender, sexual orientation origin, religion, color and ethnicity and disability. The children’s right is interpreted that allows children to be free from abuse both physically, emotionally the children has the right to be nurtured. 

"A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child. The term "child" often, but does not necessarily, mean minor, but can include adult children as well as adult nondependent children. There are no definitions of other terms used to describe young people such as "adolescence", "teenagers," or "youth" in internal law but the children's rights movement.

Physical rights

1.       Corporal Punishment to the children violates human rights

2.       Every Child must have an opportunity for the protection of physical integrity of children and children’s right.

3.       A binding resolution to take into action to promote the physical integrity of children.

Gender Inequality

The process of assessing the gender inequality is to assess the process of implication with the corresponding aim. This is done to address by means of explicit and addressing systematically the specific different needs and concern of both women and men. The policies and strategies should be evaluated and monitored in the mainstream activity. Through a targeted intervention one sex especially women has been of disadvantage in terms of socially, politically and economically. This gender equality is done through mainstreaming according to the gender that assessed the impact of men and women in all level of area. It is design to implement and monitor all the programs and policies in terms of economic, political and societal spheres in order that women and men can benefit equally and that inequality is not allowed. Thus, the important goal of mainstreaming is to produce gender equality.

Gender equality also is present in the activities in the office of the organization. There are entrepreneurial program that target groups specifically designed to overcome gender biases and prejudice with the barriers in the labor market. The nondiscrimination in the work activities can provide a capacity building on the workplace practices

Strength Danger:

 Strength danger is a positive force, deriving its strength from our sense of common spiritual values. There is a dynamic expression which is faith and inspired by a moral conception and guarded by law and freedom.

There is the best legal course to address the child labor. Labor of children below 18 years old is wrong since it results to children become illiterate, inhumane to work with the lower human capital investment. These will also leads to a poor standard of labor for adults, reduced wages thereby producing poor quality of products and cheap exports. Therefore there are moral and economic reasons that justify this situation.

Child labor is being witnessed at work in the factories and that is the only way to survive. Today we overlook the fact that death from starvation and exposure was a common fate before the Industrial Revolution, for the pre capitalist economy was barely able to support the population. Yes, children were working. Formerly they would have starved. It was only as goods were produced in greater abundance at lower cost that men could support their families without sending their children to work. It was not the reformer or the politician that ended the grim necessity for child labor; it was capitalism.

Child abuse on the other hand results to the adverse physical effects which has an impact in psychological issues such as ill health, risk of health behavior and shortening of life span. Children that are maltreated have the risk of psychiatric problems, developmental problems, disorganized attachment, anxiety and depression.

These maltreated children will exhibit a psycho-social difficulty and suffer a posttraumatic stress disorder. It has a consequence of a social emotional development and needs a social intervention by the parents. Some victims of childhood abuse have reportedly diagnosed some type of chronic head, muscular pain with no particular reason. The study shows between 36% and 76% of women mental health patients have been abused as had 58% of women and 23% of men has schizophrenic diseases.

 On the other hand, there are some children who are raised in child abuse, but who manage to do unexpectedly well later in life regarding the preconditions. Such children have been termed dandelion children, as inspired from the way that dandelions and seems to prosper irrespective of soil, sun, drought, or rain.  Such children (or currently grown-ups) are of high interest in finding factors that mitigate the effects of child abuse.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world. It knows no social, economic or national boundaries. Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. Gender-based violence undermines the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims, yet it remains shrouded in a culture of silence. Victims of violence can suffer sexual and reproductive health consequences, including forced and unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, traumatic fistula, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and even death. UNFPA is one of the UN's lead agencies working to further gender equality and women’s empowerment, and to address the physical and emotional consequences of gender-based violence. UNFPA’s program offer psychosocial assistance, medical treatment and rape kits to survivors, and promote the right of all women and girls to live free of violence and abuse. - See more at:

Any country that has been terrorized by the means of brutality is logic of modernity. There are pivotal moments that equality, justice, freedom and democratic process has shaped the human rights activities. That person who fought for freedom has seen an external and international support. Several countries has fall into a trapped of isolation, economic terrorism and extreme oppression that delineates into an arena of political miscalculations.

In conclusion, Human rights has been endowed by every people, every country to support for those that are oppressed and less privilege to be cowed towards their rights. Everyone has the right of its own to live freely in an atmosphere of free society and democratic principles of human rights, defend to any cruelty that will technically harm them.

In each country, there is a human rights legal rule of law where one person can freely move and act at the same way, socialized without any but if there is injustice, prejudice and inequality will prevails.

The government should take part in curbing human rights abuses, They will  punished and the punishment must be of strong enough that they will  not in danger to mankind. Also, the government has duties and responsibilities to the community, individual  to protect its citizens to such abuses.




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